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Career Services
The SUNY Oswego Office of Career Services operates within an award-winning and unique career community model. Every student is different, so we offer each student an array of customized programs, resources, events, and services! Our most valuable asset is our Career Coaching staff - each coach specializes in a particular set of career paths and therefore can offer our students a much deeper level of assistance. Self-assessment and discovery, major and career exploration, experiential learning, and launching during their senior year - Career Services is highly involved in each stage and with all class years, enabling students to both discover the life they are meant to live, and prepare them to compete for that life at the highest level.
With over 200 programs and events, 300 presentations, and 1,500 student appointments each year covering every possible topic related to career readiness and success, there is undoubtedly something for YOU. Please reach out if we can be helpful in any way!