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Concerns may include: no place to live, landlord might evict, lack of housing
Primary Resource
Office of the Dean of Students
We provide critical resources, programs and services designed to support students' well-being and success. We support all students and are a resource when students don’t know where to go or who to ask for help.
The Students Helping Oz Peers project—or SHOP for short—opened its pantry in October 2016 and provides campus members with non-perishable food items. SHOP is a collaborative effort between students, faculty, staff, and many others who recognize the need to address food insecurity among our students.
Catholic Charities of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse is dedicated to caring for those in need while promoting human development, collaboration, and the elimination of poverty and injustice. We strive to empower those served to transform their lives in the spirit of God’s love and compassion.
Food Bank of Central New York serves as the main food distribution hub for hundreds of partner agencies that comprise the emergency food network in our eleven county service region across central and northern New York. The Food Bank provides more than 20.4 million pounds of food – the equivalent of 17 million meals – to hungry families, children, and elderly every year.